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Detroit Symphony and Lunch

What: DSO “Home for the Holidays” concert and lunch
When: Friday, December 13
Time: 9:30 – 4:00
Cost: $90.00
Deadline to register: Sunday, November 3

On Friday, December 13, Mosaic will have the privilege of hearing the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for their annual “Home for the Holidays” concert. This concert is always a highlight of the season. We will enjoy a mid-morning concert (with donuts and coffee prior to the concert). Following the performance, we’ll travel to Dearborn and Ford’s Garage for a delicious buffet lunch. Transportation included.

Please fill out the registration form below and, together with cash or your check made out to HPBC, put it in the box provided at the Welcome Desk or mail it to Irma Henderson, 704 S. Alexander Ave., Royal Oak, MI 48067.

Deadline to register: Sunday, November 3

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