2023 Winter/Spring Ministries
Women's Bible Studies
Location: Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays 9:30-11:30am
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
We are called to fulfill the mission the Lord Jesus gave us of sharing the Gospel. How do we do that? Come and discover the exciting ways His very first followers began spreading the Good News and how the Holy Spirit moved mightily to expand God’s kingdom from Jerusalem to Rome.

Women in Prayer
Location: Prayer Room
Wednesdays 10:00-11:30am
Do you desire to see your heart and faith grow through prayer? Do you believe you can ask God to do the impossible in your family, personal life, workplace, church, and our nation?
Women's Retreat
Location: TBD
Date: March 4, 2023
Information coming soon.
MOTS (Moms of Tots)
Location: Fellowship Hall
Time: Two Thursdays a month | 9:15-11:15am
MOTS (Moms of Tots) is a place to find friendship and support for you as a woman and mother. During each meeting, we discuss and hear from speakers on relevant topics, and enjoy games, crafts, and fellowship with new and old friends.
2023 DATES:
January 13 MOTS Mom’s Night Out
January 19
February 2
February 16
March 2
March 16
April 6
April 20
May 4
May 18

Location: Fellowship Hall
First Friday of the month
Do you enjoy knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, scrapbooking, quilting, or any other creative endeavor? Got stuck mid-project and need some advice or motivation to finish?
Everyone is welcome. Bring any craft that interests you, a snack to share, and enjoy some laughter and fellowship. Hope to see you there!
2023 DATES:
January 6
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5

Men's Bible Studies
Location: Fellowship Hall
Time: Tuesdays 6:30am
Location: North Atrium
Time: Wednesdays 6:30pm
Discipleship in the Face of Opposition
The Teachings of Jesus During His Journey to the Cross
As He entered His third year of public ministry, Jesus faced enormous opposition. He was despised by the religious leaders and rejected by the nation. Luke uniquely focused on this time period of Jesus’ ministry on earth, as much of his writing from 9:51-19:27 is not found in the other Gospels.
In 9:51, Luke records that Jesus began His final journey to Jerusalem. In the midst of rejection and persistent denial of His sovereignty, Jesus prepares the 12 – and each one of us – to be real disciples of Christ in the midst of opposition. Luke presents a number of parables, not recorded in Matthew or Mark, to challenge and encourage us to faithfully proclaim Christ in our world that rejects Him.
Men, join us this Winter/Spring in the Fellowship Hall on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 or new this semester, on Wednesday evenings at 6:30, as we study from Luke 9:51-19:27 how to be real disciples for Jesus.

Saturday Morning Prayer
Location: Prayer Room
Time: Last Saturday of each month | 8:00am – 12:00pm
On the last Saturday of each month, men gather to pray. Join with other men in spending extended time with God in prayer—away from the cell phone, email, and the pressures of life. Prayer begins as a large group, then separately throughout the church for prayer and reflection with the Lord and His Word. Materials are available to help guide your time alone with the Lord. We then regroup to pray and share about our time alone with the Lord.
Bagels, coffee, and juice are provided.
If you have any questions, please contact Andy at arist@hpbc.cc.
2023 DATES:
January 28
February 25
March 25
April 29
May 27
Do you desire to nurture your relationship with Jesus Christ? Grow in knowledge of God’s Word and learn to walk daily life as a Christ-centered disciple? We have great opportunities for one-on-one life mentoring by mature believers for you to join. We also offer small groups where men study God’s Word, pray together, and challenge one another in obedience to Christ.
These discipleship groups are led by men in our church that meet at various times throughout the week. Please fill out and submit the information sheet in the link below to get started, and we will follow-up with you.
Men's Retreat at Spring Hill
Location: Spring Hill
Dates: April 21-23, 2023
The men of HPBC will meet at SpringHill Camps in Evart, Michigan for a great weekend of teaching, encouragement, and connecting with others. The facilities at SpringHill are superb, including paintball, a shooting range, indoor swimming, basketball court, etc., and a dining hall that rates second to none.
Men, make sure to place this event on your calendars. Dads, this would be a great opportunity to invite your sons (16 and older). More details, as well as cost, will be determined in early Spring.
18 | 25
Sunday Morning
11:00am • High School Student Center
Wednesday Night
Join other young adults for food, fellowship, and spiritual growth.
8:00-10:00pm • High School Student Center
Ice Skating
January 13, 2023
Game Night
February 4, 2023
Bowling Night
March 4, 2023
Mini Golf
May 27
HPBC Students
Sunday Mornings
High School and Middle School
9:30am meet in the Chapel
Wednesday Nights
High School 6:30 – 8:00pm meet in the Chapel
Middle School 6:30 – 8:00pm meet in The Loft
Bake Sale
February 5, 2023
Spring Retreat
March 10-12, 2023
Bigger & Better
April 15, 2023
Movie Night
May 19, 2023
Sunday Morning
Our youngest HPBC churchgoers enjoy a safe, loving environment designed for their developmental age and needs. In addition to qualified volunteers, parents can expect a secure sign-in system and pager for easy communication.
Preschool-age classes use play, learning activities, music, and creative Bible teaching to help children learn about God as they grow and develop.
Elementary-aged kids participate in large group gatherings, small group activities, and Bible teaching sessions. Classes are divided by grade, and every lesson includes worship and small group time.
Location: Middle School classrooms
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
Join HPBC Kids on Wednesday nights for AWANA, a fun, interactive weekly program that helps kids learn about God and apply His truth to their lives. AWANA is geared toward Bible verse memorization and application. Children enjoy a time of Bible lessons and fun games in which prizes, points, and badges can be earned as they learn from God’s Word. Registration is available at the door!
Awana begins Wednesday, January 11 at 6:30pm. For more information email Nancy Baughman at nbaughman@hpbc.cc.

Wednesday Night Ministries
- Oasis
- Women's Bible Study
- Men's Bible Study
- 18 | 25
- re | engage
- Financial Peace University
- HPBC Students
- Awana
Prayer Room
We use Scripture to guide our prayer and find ourselves overwhelmed by His presence and amazed by His power.
Women's Bible Study
Fellowship Hall
You are invited to join other women who strive to know Jesus better through a study and discussion of the truths in God’s Word. Over the next eight months, we will carefully walk through the book of ACTS and see, despite every conceivable obstacle, the development of the church worldwide and lives transformed.
Men's Bible Study
North Atrium
Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00pm
18 | 25
High School Student Center
Join other young adults for food, fellowship, and spiritual growth.
re | engage
South Atrium
Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00pm
Beginning in January, HPBC will offer a program for married couples on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm. Re | engage is discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. However couples would rate their marriage, re | engage is a safe place to reconnect. Every marriage will benefit, whether couples are struggling to get along, the marriage seems broken, or they simply want to grow closer together relationally.
Financial Peace University
Room 36
Cost: $79.99 per household
If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t get in control of your money, you’re not alone. You’d be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it’s time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join Financial Peace University starting on Wednesday, January 11, and learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth.
All-Church Hymn Sing
January 15, 2023
May 7, 2023
Easter Services
Good Friday Service | April 7, 2023
Easter Sunday Service | April 9, 2023
Global Missions Fest
All-Church Pizza Dinner
January 11, 2023
All-Church Family Fun Day and Prayer Time
May 21, 2023