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Join us for Worship

You are invited to worship with us each Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am.

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Join us for Worship

You are invited to worship with us each Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am.

Watch NowMinistry Update

Committed to Worship, Grow, and Go

1. Worship

We desire to authentically worship God with all that we are and have. Our services provide praise-filled and reflective worship as we seek to give God the best of heart and mind in submission to His inerrant Word. We are committed to worshipping Jesus with our lives, bringing honor and glory to Him in our words and actions as we go through our week.

2. Grow

As a family of believers, we are committed to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. We invest in one another’s lives, nurturing one another in faith and connecting intergenerationally as we read God’s Word. Our desire is to personally grow as disciples and to encourage others in the name of Jesus.

3. Go

In obedience to Christ, we are committed to go, serving others, and sharing the good news of Jesus to those we encounter. We hold as a core value the importance of transforming our world through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are also dedicated to sending missionaries to share the gospel of Jesus and make disciples of all people.