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Biblical Counseling

We would love to come alongside you and give you encouragement and hope in this season of life.

Here's how it works:


Complete the forms

Please download and fill out the Personal Data Information form and the Consent form, linked below. This questionnaire will help the counselor gather some basic information and provide a background for current concerns. Please complete these questions and be as thorough as you can be.

Return the forms

Please email the completed Personal Data Information and Consent forms to, or return them to the church office, addressed to Biblical Counseling.

We will match you to a counselor

Once we have received the forms, the paperwork will be processed and you will receive a phone call in a short time, usually about a week, to set up a meeting with a counselor here at the church. All paperwork is completely confidential.

We would love to come alongside you and give you encouragement and hope in this season of life.

Here's how it works:


Complete the forms

Please download and fill out the Personal Data Information form and the Consent form, linked below. This questionnaire will help the counselor gather some basic information and provide a background for current concerns. Please complete these questions and be as thorough as you can be.

Return the forms

Please email the completed Personal Data Information and Consent forms to, or return them to the church office, addressed to Lisa Fair.

We will match you to a counselor

Once we have received the forms, the paperwork will be processed and you will receive a phone call in a short time, usually about a week, to set up a meeting with a counselor here at the church. All paperwork is completely confidential.

Your concerns are very important to us and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Email Us

Your concerns are very important to us and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Email Us

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is involved?

Biblical Counseling sessions are 60 – 75 minutes/once a week typically for 12 sessions.

Is there a fee?

There is no cost other than minimal fees for suggested materials (booklets, mp3’s).

Have a question about Biblical Counseling?

For more information, contact Lisa.

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