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Weekly Bulletin

September 29, 2024

Elder Nominations

Len Guerra and Rick Weingartner have been recommended by the Elder Board to serve another three-year term on the Board of Elders. HPBC members will vote on these candidates at the Sunday, September 29 Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting | Yearly Financial Update

If you would like a copy of our anticipated year end projections (unaudited) for fiscal year 2023-24, and our proposed budget for 2024-25, they are available in the Foyer. This, in addition to voting on our nominated elders and boards, will be included at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 29 at 6:00pm in the Worship Center.

The Gathering: Women’s Morning of Prayer

Ladies, join us on Saturday, October 12 at 9:30am for a prayer gathering as we set aside this time to worship and recognize how together, we love better. We hope you will also stay for lunch! This is a free event, but registration is required.


Men’s Ministry Breakfast

Men, join us as we learn about “Creating an Environment of Discipleship” on Saturday, October 19 at 8:30am. Come for breakfast and hear how discipleship has impacted the lives of the men at HPBC firsthand. Jesus called us to “go and make disciples,” we hope you will come and discover the vital role discipleship plays in our church community. Cost is $8.


Tuesday at HPBC

Men’s Bible Study • 6:30am • Fellowship Hall
Women’s Bible Study: The Study of Exodus • 9:30am • Fellowship Hall

Wednesday at HPBC

Women in Prayer • 10:00am • Prayer Room
Awana • 6:30pm • Middle School Classrooms
HPBC Students • 6:30pm • Chapel
Oasis • 6:30pm • Prayer Room
Women’s Bible Study: The Book of Exodus • 6:30pm • North Atrium
Women’s Bible Study: God’s Big Story • 6:30pm • South Atrium
Men’s Bible Study • 6:30pm • Room 6
re | engage • 6:30pm • Fellowship Hall
Financial Peace University • 6:30pm • Room 14
GriefShare • 6:30pm • Room 36
18 | 25 • 8:00pm • Student Center

Thursday at HPBC

MOTS (Moms of Tots) • 9:30am • Fellowship Hall


Friday at HPBC

Crafting Corner • 7:00pm • South Atrium


Saturday at HPBC

HPBC Students Family Worship Night • 6:00pm • Chapel


Financial Update

Budget: $4,079,816
Actual: $4,109,277
Surplus: $29,461

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